Here is your source for the most up to date statistical reports. The data is compiled by RealSTATs™, Pittsburgh’s leading source for real estate information. When you meet with Craig to sell your home he will have detailed data supporting his valuation of your property, which he bases on a multitude of factors including current market conditions and the condition of the home in comparison to others in the market, two items that shift often and decisively. These are evaluations which Craig is highly proficient in undertaking.
- South Side Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: South Side
- Mount Washington, Beechview & Brookline Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Mount Washington, Beechview & Brookline
- Lawrenceville Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Lawrenceville
- Squirrel Hill, Point Breeze, Swisshelm Park & Regent Square Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Squirrel Hill, Point Breeze, Swisshelm Park & Regent Square
- Shadyside Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Shadyside
- Highland Park Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Highland Park
- Downtown Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Downtown
- Mount Lebanon Report, 2000-2011, in PDF format: CLICK HERE
- Chateau & Manchester Report, 2000-2011, in PDF format: CLICK HERE
- Allegheny Center, Allegheny West, & North Shore, 2000-2011, in PDF format: CLICK HERE
- Strip District Report, 2000-2011, in PDF format: CLICK HERE
- Oakland Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Oakland
- Polish Hill Report, 2000-2011, in PDF format: CLICK HERE
- Bloomfield Report, 2000-2011, in PDF format: Bloomfield
- Greenfield & Hazelwood Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Greenfield & Hazelwood
- Wilkinsburg Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Wilkinsburg
- Edgewood Report, 2000-2012, in PDF format: Edgewood
Final 2011 Residential Report from RealSTATs: CLICK HERE
Final 2011 Pittsburgh Metropolitan Statistical Area Residential Sales Report from RealSTATs: CLICK HERE